We pride ourselves with having the best of the best on our team. True horse people and experts in the industry. If you find yourself in the Carolinas, Alison Gay is your go to person for your equine massage and equine therapy needs.

A little about her.

Who Is Alison Gay and hhat is her story?

Alison grew up riding primarily hunters and jumpers. She obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Equestrian Science from William Woods University. Upon graduation she gained international experience in the industry while working for the prestigious Castle Forbes Stud in Co. Longford, Ireland. Following many wonderful opportunities to train horses, riders, as well as manage various equine programs she was certified by the American Society of Equine Appraisers. This inspired her to begin her own business, EquiAppraisal LLC, which is now a leading source for equine appraisals and expert consultation. When Alison is not working on her business, riding her horses, or doing demos for Sport Innovations- you may find her (beginning in the fall) at Isothermal Community College as an adjunct professor for their newly founded equestrian program. Like we said, nothing but the best.

We sat down with Alison to get her expert thoughts and opinions and so you can hear more about what makes us the #TherapyOfChampions.

What drew you to the Sport Innovations product?

I am a big believer in the power of a quality therapeutic product, and have personally seen near-miraculous results. Sport Innovations offers the highest level of quality control, excellent customer service, and is a brand I am confident to put my name behind. Combining three of the most popular therapies into one full-body blanket is brilliant, and it’s even better that it’s offered at a competitive price with various financing options.

What is your favorite feature in the ProSeries 3-1?

I have found that various horses react to therapeutic methods in different ways. Where one horse may respond better to PEMF magnetic therapies, others have amazing results from vibration massage. The combination of therapy systems not only covers a wide range of treatments, but they all seem to work together to magnify the results. I have loved using the product on my own horses, and I never cease to enjoy hearing “I’ve never felt my horse move this well” from horse owners and trainers I’ve shared it with.

Do you have any tips when using the ProSeries 3-1?

I personally use the ProSeries blanket before each ride. By loosening tension in muscles and increasing circulation, you’re not only decreasing your risk of a soft tissue injury during work, but also allowing the horse to engage his full range of motion from the moment you put your foot in the stirrup. This allows you to get more out of each ride, and lets them work proper muscle development without as many limitations from stiffness or soreness. It’s also great to use after a long trailer ride or after particularly strenuous activity since it helps move the lactic acid from their muscles and flush the lymphatic system.

Want to know more about the ProSeries 3-1 or any of our #TherapyOfChampions product? Contact us today! Also follow us on our social media to see our clients and learn more about our products.